[este post está quase todo em inglês; pois se refere a uma experiência online disponível apenas em inglês; se você quiser traduzi-lo, use -por exemplo- babelfish.yahoo.com]
i got this news item from teemu arina´s blog: Stephen Downes and George Siemens are giving a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on Connectivism & Connective Knowledge between September and November 2008. Exploring emerging topics in knowledge, learning and technology, It’s going to be held online and will utilize latest Web 2.0 technologies and distributed approaches.
i then misplaced the link somehow, managed to miss the whole of the first week and had to try and sync with everybody else over the weekend. eleven more weeks to go. looks great so far. the course description, from the wiki, reads like… Connectivism and Connective Knowledge is a twelve week course that will explore the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge and explore their application as a framework for theories of teaching and learning. It will outline a connectivist understanding of educational systems of the future. This course will help participants make sense of the transformative impact of technology in teaching and learning over the last decade. The voices calling for reform do so from many perspectives, with some suggesting ‘new learners’ require different learning models, others suggesting reform is needed due to globalization and increased competition, and still others suggesting technology is the salvation for the shortfalls evident in the system today. While each of these views tell us about the need for change, they overlook the primary reasons why change is required.
emerging topics in networks, knowledge, learning and technology, that´s the core of the course. if you are -even slightly- interested in that sort of stuff, don´t waste your time and register immediately. it is absolutely free of charge. and enjoy.